Waterproof Concrete Additive Crystalline System
Deltacrys Admix is designed to enhance concrete by effectively waterproofing the concrete and reducing the shrinkate cracks. This provides a cost effective solution to membrane systems while increasing concrete's durability. Deltacrys Admix is added to fresh concrete easily at the batch plant or directly into ready mix trucks. It works to continuously prevent moisture from penetrating through the Concrete by creating a catalytic chemical reaction within the pores and capillaries to enhance the hydration process of the cement component within the concrete. The enhanced hydration process not only provides waterproofing characteristics to the concrete, it also allows for an increased ability to self-heal micro cracking upon the presence of moisture.
- Is a one time only application for the lite of the concrete.
- Is user friendly and easy to apply.
- Is permanent for the life of the concrete.
- Is added directly to the fresh concrete during mixing or premixed with cement powder.